Our Weekly Meditation

April 12, 2023

Our Weekly Meditation

“What now?”

That simple question resonated with me the Monday morning after Easter.

After all our reflections, celebrations, sacrifices, prayers, givings and fastings – what now? What, O Lord, are we to do in, and with, this radically new time and new place you have given us on this glorious morning?

Thoughts raced through my head. Then quietly (as so often happens), this benediction, repeated time and time again in my hometown church (and St Andrew’s): 

“Go forth into the world in peace.
Be of good courage.
Hold fast to that which is good.
Render to no one evil for evil.
Strengthen the fainthearted.
Support the weak.
Help the afflicted.
Honor everyone you meet.
Love and serve the Lord,
rejoicing in the power

of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” 

Eleven lines that say it all. 

May the new time, new place, and new power of Easter Monday be with us all — now and forever. 

Pete Taft

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