Deep Traditions
Saint Andrews Episcopal Church is a small parish in downtown Edgartown, Massachusetts, that serves both year-long and seasonal residents and visitors of the six towns on the Island of Martha’s Vineyard. At the heart of our parish life is worship, and we rely mainly on The Book of Common Prayer (1979), as well as The Hymnal (1982), for most all of our liturgy.
In a culture that often views tradition with skepticism or disregard, we find deep and lasting value in the traditions of our church, and seek to provide the solace and comfort that comes with offering stability and familiarity in worship. Together with Scripture and Reason, Tradition provides one of the three foundations of our Anglican—and Episcopal—heritage. At St. Andrew’s, we provide our varied communities with a sacred and holy space open every day for personal prayer and meditation, as well as public worship offered each day at appointed times.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy a quiet moment in our attractive Memorial Garden, which remains open to the public from sunrise to sundown.In addition to providing a stable and traditional context for personal piety, worship and spiritual growth, St Andrew’s is seeking to find new and exciting ways to welcome families with young children and youth—and it strives to welcome people from all religious backgrounds to experience God with us