Our Weekly Meditation

February 9, 2023

Our Weekly Meditation

Whenever I’m unable to muster the energy – or imagination – to fashion a prayer, I often resort to reciting the Lord’s Prayer (not a bad backup!), breaking it up into bite sized pieces: “Our Father” (long pause) “who art in heaven” (long pause), etc.

The other day, the first two words of the prayer – “Our Father” – jumped out at me. And it struck me that if you simply repeat them, over and over, you have a pretty comprehensive mantra that comes in rather handy when time won’t allow for longer, more contemplative prayers (rushing for a train or doing the dishes, for example): 

“Our” — Not my, not your, but our. Some are artists, some merchants; some are rich, some poor; some are likable, some not. No matter. Our faith teaches us that we are all one in the eyes of God. What a lovely way to start! 

“Father” — Not king, not master, not teacher, but Father. A loving, caring parent who sees to our needs without us even asking. I’ve read that the closest translation of the Aramaic word Jesus used for Father — “Abba” — is “Daddy.” Imagine that. The creator of the universe is…Daddy. Breathtaking.

Nothing is more powerful than a deep recitation of, and reflection on, the Lord’s Prayer. But these two simple words come darn close. 

Pete Taft

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