Discover St.Andrews in Edgartown
Welcome to St. Andrew’s!
At St. Andrew’s, we welcome everyone who seeks to experience God (in some way) – and we respect the dignity of every human being. Whether you are a year-round Islander, a summer resident or guest, or a first-time visitor, we very much hope you enjoy your time with us. Come as you are, come be who you are, and see!
A Guide for Visitors – Click here!
Stay Connected!
Would you like to receive our weekly Zoom invites for our Sunday 10:00am live stream and recorded service? Simply email the church office at
All are welcome!!
Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages and stay connected with our community.
Instagram: @standrewsmv
Read the latest news from the Diocese of Massachusetts:
Advent and Christmas at St Andrew’s!
Lots going on!
Dear fabulous faithful friends and family:
Here’s what NOT to miss:
Second Sunday (this Sunday) of Advent, 9:00 am:*
The theme of the sermon is Peace. Ahhh, peace….Come and get it!
Advent Evensong (this) Tuesday, December 10 at 5:30 pm:
Beautiful. Quiet. Sublime. Peaceful…with Rob Lehman, Organist, and Jessica Sanseverino, Soprano
Christmas in Edgartown at St Andrew’s, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm:**
Christmas Cookies, Hot Chocolate, and Meatballs and Gravy! Activities for everyone! Carols at Noon with musicians Rob Lehman and Wes Nagy!
Third Sunday of Advent, Dec 15, 9:00 am:*
The theme of the sermon is Joy!
Fourth Sunday of Advent, Dec 22, 9:00 am:*
The theme of the sermon is Love!
Christmas Eve, Tuesday, Dec 24 at 4:00 pm:
Christmas service with music, filled with Peace, Joy and Love—perfect time to bring the family and friends!
Christmas Eve, Tuesday, Dec 24 at 9:00 pm:
Christmas service—heavy on the music—filled with Peace, Joy and Love
Christmas Day, Wednesday, Dec 25 at 9:00 am:
Christmas service with delightfully few frills. Perfect way to celebrate the Day Of…
First Sunday in Christmas, Dec 29, 9:00 am:*
Christmas Lessons and Carols! Joyful worship, with Rob Lehman, Organist. Merry Christmas!
* Indicates we’re having a Coffee Hour afterward, and REALLY HOPE you will join us, too! And if you can, PLEASE sign up to help us with our weekly coffee hours, or just bring something to share…(PLEASE?)
** Indicates this is kind of a BIG DEAL for us at St Andrew’s, as we open our doors to the whole town celebrating Christmas in Edgartown. PLEASE BAKE SOME COOKIES and leave them in the Parish Hall Friday before 1pm, or Saturday morning. Also, if you can help us during the event (even for just an hour between 10 and 1 pm), we’d LOVE you forever! Come and bring your friends for a great way to connect your holiday JOY with the reason for the season! The TRUTH!
Grace and peace,
Father Chip+
We’re going to One Service Only for the Winter Months! After a thoughtful conversation, this week the Vestry voted to approve going to one service each Sunday for the winter months. It was a unanimous decision, and the spirit of your Vestry was very positive. We will begin holding one service, at 9:00 am, on St Andrew’s Day, November 24, and will return to holding two services again on Sunday, April 6, The Last Sunday in Lent. Our new, brilliant musician, Rob Lehman, will play each Sunday during that time, and we will worship according to the form for Holy Eucharist: Rite II. And instead of having Breakfast in Between each week, we’ll return to the familiar Coffee and Fellowship Hour at 10:00 am. Perhaps the best reason for the change involves combining the two congregations into one, and the possibilities for the many graces we know this will bring. Faithful members will meet and get to know ‘new’ friends, and relationships will be struck. And the sense of abundance in our worship together will return, making our worship experience for many feel more full and satisfying. We fully expect the Holy Spirit to come and fill us even more!
Save the Date! St Andrew’s Day is Sunday, November 24—ONE SERVICE ONLY AT 9:00 AM! Please join us for our annual Patronal Feast Day (He’d be St Andrew himself), when we join with our Scottish friends, complete with tartans and kilts, and celebrate our namesake! And, as is customary, we’ll have a TREMENDOUS BRUNCH FOLLOWING WORSHIP, and ask you to consider bringing something just right to contribute to our feast. Better yet: bring a friend or two, and share the joy! PLEASE LOOK FOR THE SIGN UP SHEETS TO JOT DOWN WHAT YOU PLAN TO SHARE!
Save ANOTHER DATE! The Great Thanksgiving! We’re planning another wonderful THANKSGIVING DAY service of thanksgiving, praise and worship, on Thursday, November 28, at 10:00 am, complete with wondrous music and The Good News. Come and bring your families and friends to make your Thanksgiving Day even more special and meaningful.
The 9am service is available live stream on Zoom beginning November 24:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 8023 2922
Passcode: 269193
…And don’t forget our ongoing programs:
➢ Centering Prayer EACH WEEK in the Parish HOUSE at 10:15 am (Sublime…)
Centering Prayer Brochure 2023
Oscar and Nellie Pease
Marion and Ralph Martin
Nell and Gray Bryan, Gray Bryan lll
Frances Bickerton Hancock