Discover St.Andrews in Edgartown
Welcome to St. Andrew’s!

At St. Andrew’s, we welcome everyone who seeks to experience God (in some way) – and we respect the dignity of every human being. Whether you are a year-round Islander, a summer resident or guest, or a first-time visitor, we very much hope you enjoy your time with us. Come as you are, come be who you are, and see!
A Guide for Visitors – Click here!

Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages and stay connected with our community.

Instagram: @standrewsmv

Read the latest news from the Diocese of Massachusetts:
The First Sunday in Lent Rite I
Great Litany Rite I
Our Ministers for 3-9-25 and 3-16-25
We’re going to One Service Only for the Winter Months! After a thoughtful conversation, the Vestry voted to approve going to one service each Sunday for the winter months. It was a unanimous decision, and the spirit of your Vestry was very positive. We will begin holding one service, at 9:00 am, on St Andrew’s Day, November 24, and will return to holding two services again on Sunday, April 6, The Last Sunday in Lent. Our new, brilliant musician, Rob Lehman, will play each Sunday during that time, and we will worship according to the form for Holy Eucharist: Rite II. And instead of having Breakfast in Between each week, we’ll return to the familiar Coffee and Fellowship Hour at 10:00 am. Perhaps the best reason for the change involves combining the two congregations into one, and the possibilities for the many graces we know this will bring. Faithful members will meet and get to know ‘new’ friends, and relationships will be struck. And the sense of abundance in our worship together will return, making our worship experience for many feel more full and satisfying. We fully expect the Holy Spirit to come and fill us even more!

And for those in whose loving memory the Altar Flowers have been given:
Ralph A. Walter and Catherine C. Smith